
Dr. Bärbel Dietz

It is with sadness that we announce the news of the death of Dr. Bärbel Dietz on 21st May 2020. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends at this sad time.

Barbara, as she was known at the College, joined the College team by arrangement with the German government, from 1979 to 1985. She committed herself wholeheartedly to life at UWC Atlantic. As well as being recognised and respected for the standard of her scholarship, she involved herself fully in the general life of the College, making significant contributions to Social Service and Estate Service. Her generous hospitality had a sound and much appreciated culinary base.

Shortly after her return to her home town of Kǘnzelsau in Baden-Wǘrttemberg she was appointed Schulleiterin of the Gymnasium there. The warmth and generosity of the tributes paid to her in the local press by the present Head and staff of the school are indicative of the way in which her leadership was valued.