
College Ambassadors

College Ambassadors are involved in a range of activities and they are an incredible asset to the college.

They give prospective students an authentic idea of what life is like at UWC Atlantic. They represent the college at important events, they lead campus tours to prospective families, they help organise Open Days and virtual events.

They will probably be one of the first faces you see when you visit our campus or when you attend a virtual event.

These are our 18 wonderful College Ambassadors for 2023 - 2024:

uwc atlantic college ambassadors for 2023-2024

From left to right top row:

Erna, Teo, Mia, Carmen, Leny, Obaid 
From left to right bottom row:

Amirali, Marina, Aidan, Bebel, Alexa, Vilja, Berni, Suhail.